Seminar Presentation
All students must present on March 2 – 16, 2024.
Seminar in Theological Research has two major components: gaining research skills and improving writing skills. To complete this course successfully, the students will focus their research primarily on works by academically strong authors/sources (those with sound biblical/theological educations and/or are recognized experts in the areas on which they write/teach), on average, the student should plan a time commitment of ten to twelve hours per week to complete the course.

Students Union Week
Students Union Week. 23 – 28, 2024.
The Student Union is a show for college students, as well as all those who work with, love, and care for them.
Spread The Word students exists to gather together to grow in faith in Jesus Christ through worship and Bible study, give in ministry opportunities locally and globally, and go out with the message of the gospel to the community and world.

Publication Repository
Demonstrate your scholarly/professional recognition to your institution

15″ Rechargeable Public Address System Speaker With Bluetooth, 2 Wireless Microphones, Remote Control
The College needs PA system for ZOOM class for distance learning Students.